Alexandra Possenti #PájaraPintaBirds

Tell us a bit of yourself. How did you get into cooking ? 

I am Venezuelan/Italian. I got into cooking when I was 6 years old and used to cook with my grandfather. He had pasta factories in Venezuela and I would stay home with him making fresh pasta and raviolis. Later, I went to hospitality school in Switzerland, where I took a year of cooking lessons and then specialized in event management.

Why Yucatecan Bowls and why Tulum?

I believe that vegetables and fruits that grow in this region are underrated. They are delicious, nutritious and contribute to our health. Therefore, I believe they should be more cherished.

What is your go-to meal when you are in a rush?

Definitely bowls! I usually cook more than I need, saving some for later, putting veggies and grains together whenever I want some more.

Favorite dish?

A tough question to answer – there are just so many dishes I love to pick from! If I’d have to pick, I’d say I like Japanese food the best… a good rainbow roll always hits the spot.

Favorite book or podcast? 

I recently read 'How to Set the Table' by Danny Meyers and loved it!

Best piece of advice for these rare times?

Not to assume anything from others, especially if you don't know his/hers situation fully. My second advice would be to be patient and persistent. Life is not so much about what you accomplish as it is about what you overcome.

What does #ShiningFromWithin mean to you?

To radiate light with love, to be the best version of yourself, to have a happy soul and to take care of yourself from the inside out.

What 's your favorite Pájara Pinta Piece? and why?

The Mexican hat! I love the design and the decoration around it. 

FOLLOW: @bowlsdeguadalupe


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